Company news
Transportation of a new volume of ODC, with a total weight of more than 1600 tons and a volume of 5413 FT, to the Ruppur NPP
By order of “Rusatom Cargo” LLC, Barrus Projects delivered oversized cargo to the Ruppur NPP (nuclear power plant) in the Republic of Bangladesh.
Barrus Projects successfully completed the scope of works on delivery of the span beams to Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex, LLC.
Industry news
MingYang Smart Energy has released details of a huge new offshore wind turbine, with the Chinese company aiming to install a prototype in 2023 before starting commercial production the year after.
An indicator of the container service reliability is the accuracy and precision of the carriers' execution of the cargo delivery schedule.
Container shipping rates from China to North America and Europe have risen markedly in five weeks since mid-May, according to Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) freight index data.
DHL has reduced the GTB trade outlook by two points to an index value of 45. According to the company, this shows that global trade continues to lose momentum, albeit mildly.
As part of the agreement, both COSCO and Dongbang will treat each other as a strategic partner. The cooperation will see the companies join forces for bids on large-scale projects where their own respective fleet of equipment would be insufficient.
Siemens Games will act as a technology partner and equipment supplier as part of the Kolskaya Wind Farm construction project in the Murmansk Region.
DSV has completed the acquisition of Swiss freight forwarder Panalpina, creating one of the world’s largest transport and logistics companies.
Mammoet has confirmed that it is in advanced discussions with ALE regarding a purchase agreement, under which Mammoet will acquire the UK-headquartered heavy lift and specialist transport provider.
A solemn ceremony of docking of the two parts of the automobile bridge across the border of the Amur river, on the opposite banks of which are Blagoveshchensk and the Chinese Heihe, was held on Friday, May 31.