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BARRUS PROJECTS has won the “Golden Wind” award at the RAWI forum 2021

The annual International Wind Energy Forum RAWI FORUM 2021 took place on 1-2 December in Moscow. More than 250 participants from more than 10 countries and 15 Russian regions visited RAWI FORUM. Wind energy companies, representatives from line departments and associations met at the FORUM. The key issues for discussion at the Forum were exports and opportunities to enter the world market, new technologies used for WPS construction and design, and the exchange of experience among colleagues in the field of wind energy.

During the forum the laureates of the «Golden Wind» award were commemorated for their contribution to the development of the wind energy industry. BARRUS PROJECTS has won the Award for “Outstanding Contribution to Logistics Services in the Implementation of WPS Projects”. The company took part in the implementation of 5 out of 6 projects of Russian wind farms commissioned in 2021.

The BARRUS PROJECTS team is forever grateful for the trust and honor given to be awarded the «Golden Wind» Award. Our company greatly values its customers and is pleased to be able to take an active part in the development of the wind energy sector!